Meeting schedule
From Purdue International Biology Education Research Group
Meetings are held Mondays from 11:45 am - 12:45 pm in Lilly Hall G456
Fall 2015
PIBERG Webmaster: Kathleen Jeffery
PIBERG Coordinator: Nancy Pelaez
PIBERG News Anchor: Aakanksha Angra
SEMESTER THEME: How can we structure education research knowledge to make it accessible and useful for writing?
Media:SciCARDDatabaseSchema082715.pdf to link directly to the Schema file.
Date | Presenter | Presentation Title |
August 31 | ALL | Organizational meeting |
September 14 | Presenter: Kathleen | Topic: PIBERG Web Pages (send Kathleen your content using the provided templates before this date). |
September 21 | Presenter: Nancy Pelaez | Topic: How can the RED education research lit review be structured into the SciCARD Schema to make it accessible and useful for writing? |
September 28 | Presenter: Stephanie Gutierrez | Topic: TBA |
October 5 | Presenter: Richard Lie | Topic: What is an appropriate Theoretical Framework and lit to review for molecular visualization research? |
October 12 | FALL BREAK | NO MEETING |
October 19 | Presenter: Aaron Rogat | Topic: Concord Consortium Genetics Game |
October 26 | Presenter: Stephanie Gardner | Topic: TBA |
November 2 | Presenter: Alberto Rodriguez (date to be confirmed) | Topic: What about a dimension of engagement, equity, and diversity practices? A critique of the next generation science standards (NGSS) |
November 9 | Presenter | Topic |
November 16 | Presenter | Topic |
November 23 | Thanksgiving | NO MEETING |
November 30 | Presenter: Aakanksha Angra | Topic: TBA |
December 7 | Presenter | Topic |
December 14 | Presenter | Topic |