Meeting schedule

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Fall 2015 Meetings

Mondays from 11:45 am - 12:45 pm in Lilly Hall G456

Current PIBERG Affiliates and Former Members

Semester Theme

How can we structure education research knowledge to make it accessible and useful for writing?

Media:SciCARDDatabaseSchema082715.pdf links directly to the SciCARD Schema file.


Date Presenter Presentation Title
August 31 ALL Organizational meeting
September 14 Kathleen Jeffery Topic: PIBERG Web Pages (send Kathleen your content).
September 21 Nancy Pelaez How can the SciCARD Schema be used to guide annotation and cataloging of the education research literature reviewed in reports on the RED, E-EDAT and the Critical Analysis of Primary Literature in a Master’s-Level Class?
September 28 Stephanie Gutierrez NSF graduate research fellowship proposal (NSF GRFP) feedback discussion RE: how instructors’ research experience contributes to the NGSS-recommended shift from concept-focus to practice-focused or concept-practice-integrated pedagogy.
October 5 Richard Lie What is an appropriate Theoretical Framework and lit to review for molecular visualization research?
October 19 Stefan Irby and Richard Lie NSF GRFP feedback RE: Using protein function prediction to promote hypothesis-driven thinking in undergraduate biochemistry education (Irby) and Using Problem Based Learning to Teach Experimental Design in the Context of Western Blots (Lie)
October 26 Stephanie Gardner Topic: Meeting discussion. Integrating Cognitive Science with Innovating Teaching in STEM Disciplines: Spatial Learning in STEM, September 18-19, 2015.
November 2 Aaron Rogat GeniConnect: Game-based learning, mentoring and laboratory experiences – a model for industry/after school partnerships. This project seeks to help middle school students learn genetics through a computer-based game, make connections to real world research and development in the biotech industry and raise interest in STEM careers.
November 9 Alberto Rodriguez What about a dimension of engagement, equity, and diversity practices? A critique of the next generation science standards (NGSS) J Res Sci Teach 52: 1031–1051, 2015.
November 16 ALL present their own work Topic: one-page PIBERG research summaries to upload to the web as pdfs
November 23 Thanksgiving NO MEETING
November 30 Aakanksha Angra Topic: From Novice to Expert: What is the reasoning used for graph choice and construction by novice students and expert professors in the biological sciences?
December 7 Matthew Lira Topic: Coordinating Literature in DBER: An effort to synthesize mechanistic reasoning in biology and physics education
January 25 Presenter: New PIBERG Leader Topic: Plan the Spring 2016 Calendar of Events

Fall 2015 Officers

Webmaster: Kathleen Jeffery

Meeting Coordinator: Nancy Pelaez

News Anchor: Aakanksha Angra

2014 Archive